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Supply chain

Responsible Management of the ACCIONA supply chain

ACCIONA conveys its commitment to Sustainability to the whole supply chain, in any of the relations and communications it establishes. With the aim of identifying, mitigating and managing
risk, ACCIONA has an internal risk management mechanism that is essentially structured over three elements:

  • The PROCUR-e platform, an electronic procurement tool that seeks to support management of the supply chain through its two functions: Supplier Portal and Bidding Tool.
  • The Risk Map, a tool for controlling the supply chain thatsupports decision-making criteria for procurement and the identification of potential areas for improvement in suppliers.
  • The Procedure for Supplier Qualification and Evaluation, an integral, objective process where a full analysis is performed on the supplier, thereby minimising the risks, recognised for the
    supplier and infrastructure, such as corporate responsibility (CR) position, solvency or legal position, amongst others.

Ethical principles for suppliers, contractors and partners, and ethics channel

In 2012, the Ethical Principles for Suppliers, Contractors, and Partners, approved the preceding year together with ACCIONA's Code of Conduct, were translated into seven languages and published on ACCIONA's website in order to reach most of the Group's suppliers in their own languages. These principles cover issues related to transparency and ethics, human and social rights, health and safety, and quality and the environment. Together with these principles, an Ethics Channel has also been made available to suppliers.

Ethics clauses in orders, contracts, and bid terms of reference

In 2012, ACCIONA reviewed the ethics clauses that it includes in all orders, contracts, and bid terms of reference in order to ensure that they specifically refer to its Ethical Principles for Suppliers, Contractors, and Partners

These clauses include in addition , its commitment to the Principles of the Global Compactthe Law of Effective Equality of Women and Menthe integration of the differently-abled clause, and those related to the Ethics Channel, confidentiality, the law on protection of private data, and innovation in procurement.

Training for suppliers

Following the 2011 launch of the Suppliers Campus at ACCIONA's Corporate University, the Training Pack was completed in 2012, with a total of five online courses designed specifically for suppliers, in order to give them training on the main issues related to sustainability. These courses are: CR and Sustainability in the Supply Chain (available in Spanish, English, and Polish), Equality and Prevention of Discrimination, OHS in the Supply Chain, Disabilities and Code of Conduct. In 2013, a  multilingual International Occupational Health and Safety course was added.

Integration of esg principles into the procurement process

In 2015, the criteria were redefined to identify sustainable procurement by means of the preparation of the Sustainable Procurement Guide. In 2016, implementation was completed of the indicators for its identification and at the end of the year, 590 requests were classified as sustainable procurement requests, making for a total value of EUR 46 M.

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