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The company works with an excellent quality management model from two standpoints (external and internal). From an external point of view, the aim is to generate products with high added value and to satisfy customers’ needs. For this to be possible, the company incorporates excellence into the development of its internal management model.

The company’s Quality Policy sets out the principles and commitments in this matter. In the same way, this commitment is structured around the Sustainability Master Plan, which sets out goals for improvement, acknowledging that employees are an essential part of the company’s improvement.

Certified management systems

All divisions of ACCIONA in Spain and internationally have management systems implemented and certified in accordance with international benchmark standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 22000, SA8000, EMAS, etc.). ACCIONA aims to  ensure organisational commitment to continuous improvement of processes and activities, guaranteeing the competence of its staff to develop the works assigned and the economic and technical organisational capacity to carry them out in each of the countries it operates.

In 2016, 90 % of group sales were ISO 9001-certified and 87 % of sales were ISO 14001-certified

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of the most important aspects by which to measure ACCIONA’s performance and facilitate the planning of specific actions aimed at improving customer experience with the company.

This is why the measurement of customer satisfaction is one of the main aspects included in the Corporate Quality Policy and each year, concrete targets are established in the annual planning of each business, to improve the aspects that had been worst rated.

In 2016, ACCIONA achieved 97% of clients satisfied

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