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Sustainable Development Goals

ACCIONA's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its contribution toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
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ACCIONA's commitment to sustainability can be defined as strong support for social progress, environmental balance and economic growth, and it is reflected in its contribution toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These common goals defined by the United Nations requires active involvement by companies, as well as many other agents.

With the approval of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), ACCIONA defined in 4 main objectives its contribution to them and in different measure to the others:

Water Throughout its history, ACCIONA has potabilized, purified and desalinated water for more than 110 million inhabitants worldwide: integrated water management.
ACCIONA generates exclusively renewable energy, avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of more than 100 million tons of CO2 in the last six years, equivalent to the clean consumption of more than 40 million homes.
ACCIONA strongly supports and invests in innovation projects to get more Sustainable and resilient Infrastructures: by means of biotechnology, composite materials, eco-efficient building and construction processes innovation, among others.
Fighting Climate change and its consequences is a strategic priority for ACCIONA, thus our business portfolio is based attending to Long Term Climate Change needs.


These four objectives articulate the strategy of the Company's business model, through objectives  and initiatives included in its Sustainability Master Plan

This section outlines the company's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals through its operations and activities in 2016.  These include diverse voluntary activities that have an immediate positive impact on society and help in the progress toward each of the 17 goals.


ACCIONA's commitment to sustainability it is reflected in its contribution toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals 


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