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Sustainability Master Plan (SMP 2020)

Sustainability Master Plan 2015 continuation.

sustainable master plan

In the creation of the SMP 2020 ACCIONA has carried out an assessment of the achievements and difficulties experienced over the five years of implementing the previous SMP.

The new Plan is structured by strategic and operative objectives applied across the organisation, with specifications for the different areas of business with the aim of bringing sustainability closer to the particular nature of each line.

The new goals of the SMP 2020 shared by the Group, arise from the growing interdependence of the business lines

Sustainability 2020 Master Plan: main achievements in 2016 


Sustainability Master Plan 2010-2015 Balance


Governance in matters of Sustainability

 Since 2009, ACCIONA has had a Sustainability Committee in the Board of Directors, as the body responsible for leading sustainability-related actions.

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