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Social Impact Management

ACCIONA’s projects must be consistent with the Company’s sustainable business model.

Social impact management of ACCIONA projects

Within its sustainable business model, ACCIONA continues to study the social impact derived from the development of its projects and services in the community, understanding Social Impact Management (SIM) as a process of analysis and treatment of social consequences, both negative and positive.

The methodology makes it possible to prevent risks affecting local stakeholder groups, such as:

  • Impact on basic services in communities: electricity, water, education, health or communications.
  • Change in the continuity of the economic activities of the local communities.
  • Impact on the rights of vulnerable groups such as indigenous people, people with low income, children and elderly people, among others.
  • Impact on the direct or indirect rights of employees.

During 2016, the different phases of the Social Impact Management methodology were applied in 82 Construction, Industrial, Water, Services and Energy projects in a total of 23 countries (Australia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Canada, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Arab Emirates, Spain, United States, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, South Africa, Turkey and Trinidad and Tobago).

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