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Social action plan

ACCIONA aims to take a leading role in the social development of its environment.

We focus our social programs on the needs and expectations of local development and our business objectives. We hope that our progress leads to the progress of the communities around us.

Social Action linked to strategy

ACCIONA's Social Action Plan aims to align 100% of the company's social contribution (equivalent to 5% of the company's dividend) with its corporate objectives, through sustainable projects in the medium to long term in locations where ACCIONA is present.

Social Action Policy Pdf of 1795 Kb


The Social Action Plan is structured around the following lines of action:


Access to basic services, Energy, Water

Its aim is to carry out actions for disadvantaged communities (preferably in isolated rural communities), in the territories in which ACCIONA operates or intends to operate, in terms of access to basic, first-need services.

One of the programs launched by ACCIONA is the ACCIONA Microenergía Foundation, which aims to facilitate access to renewable energy sources to underserved communities who do not expect to have access to these services in the medium to long term.

microenergia peru


Promoting sustainability

Its aim is to encourage, promote and disseminate sustainable culture to create a more responsible and caring society. It is delivered with the Sustainability Workshop format, educational program designed by ACCIONA is aimed at 10 to 16-year-old children and youth and focuses on issues related to sustainability and sustainable development. The program also contributes to the company's strong commitment to spread the message of sustainability in the regions where it operates:

aula sostenibilidad

Social investment associated to projects

Centro comunitario bioclimaticoIts aim is to contribute actively to promote and improve the socioeconomic system of the communities in which ACCIONA operates.

ACCIONA stands out in the international arena for its ability to combine the profitable growth of its business lines to boost with the impulse of the communities where it operates, with the generation of economic welfare and environmental improvement, among other benefits.


Sponsorship and Patronage: Health, Education and Culture

national geographic

Its purpose is to bolster initiatives with the most impact on society and considered within the field of health, education and culture. Among other, we highlight   Pro Cnic Foundation,   Princesa de Asturias Foundation, Cáthedra ACCIONA in collaboration with SUR, School of Artistic Professions, Trasatlántica and National Geographic.


Measurement and evaluation of social action

Since 2010, ACCIONA measures and assesses its social action, applying the international methodology of the London Benchmarking Group (LBG), which allows for an overview and a comparison of results with other companies. For the first time, and one year after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, ACCIONA has assessed the social contribution according to the 17 objectives.

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