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UN Global Compact

Since 2005, ACCIONA is member of the Global Compact. This UN initiative promotes the implementation of ten principles related to human and labor rights, the environment and combating corruption.

The secondment of the Compact is voluntary and those entities who sign it pledge to uphold and disseminate the Principles, and report on their progress once they apply them in their management. ACCIONA reports on its progress in the Progress Report presented each year by the company's president, José Manuel Entrecanales.

ACCIONA also backs the initiatives and projects promoted by the Global Compact:


Global Compact LEAD

Global Compact LEAD

At the end of 2010, ACCIONA was selected by Global Compact to be part of Global Compact LEAD, a business platform designed to promote sustainability worldwide. Member companies of this initiative have committed to follow the Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership in their activities. This is a complete roadmap which includes specific measures to be taken by companies to improve their sustainability. In January 2011 this initiative was officially launched by the UN Secretary General, Ban Kimoon at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland). Since early 2014, ACCIONA has also been a member of the Advisory Group of the Global Compact LEAD.

In September 2015, at the United Nations headquarters, ACCIONA attended the Sustainable Development Summit to formally adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unlike the previous Millennium Development Goals, the new goals are more focused on sustainability and give the private sector a more prominent role. The essence of four of the goals adopted –water, renewable energies, resilient infrastructures and climate change– form the foundations for the Company’s business model.



"Sustainable Energy for All" Initiative

Sustainable Energy for All

Initiative launched by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. ACCIONA's Chairman & CEO, has been appointed to join the Advisory Board for a two-year term.

This initiative is aimed at uniting the efforts of governments, the private sector and civil society to achieve by 2030 universal access to modern energy services, a 40% improvement in energy efficiency and 30% worldwide energy production through renewable resources.


Sustainable Energy for all Americas


ACCIONA and more than 500 representatives of governments, civil society, private sector and international organizations throughout Latin America and the Caribbean met in October 2014 in Santiago de Chile to launch, the United Nations initiative,  the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (2014-2024)  


Caring for Climate

caring for climate

ACCIONA is part of this joint platform of the Global Compact and the United Nations United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which was created to enhance the role of business in the global strategy against climate change and educate governments and public institutions to mitigate it.

Caring for Climate, comprising more than 400 companies from 65 countries, played a particularly important role in the UN Climate Change Summit (COP 16) held in Cancun in December 2010.

In October 2010, ACCIONA was appointed to the Steering Committee of Caring for Climate. This advisory body is made up of executives from 11 companies from various economic sectors and geographic areas, and its mission is to promote the strategic, operational and financial initiatives for this platform.

  • Signatory letter from José Manuel Entrecanales, ACCIONA Chairman Pdf of 20Kb

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World Business Council

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