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ACCIONA Microenergía Foundation

The ACCIONA Microenergía Foundation is the channel through which ACCIONA channels its social action activities related to basic services.

It was created in November 2008 in order to facilitate sustainable access to basic services such as energy, water and infrastructure to isolated rural populations in developing countries. The main features of this activity are as follows:

  • It is aligned with Company strategy
  • It aims at medium-term economic sustainability
  • It is focused on isolated rural communities
  • It collaborates with other players to meet human development objectives


The ACCIONA Microenergia foundation develops the ‘Luz en casa’ programme proving the feasibility of a basic electricity service, with solar home systems, that is affordable to very-low-income users and economically sustainable to the provider. The Peruvian non-profit association, which was created by the ACCIONA Microenergia foundation, ACCIONA Microenergia Peru implements ‘Luz en Casa’ as an electricity public utility –first and unique exclusively with photovoltaics in Peru. It currently gives service to 3,900 households (16,000 people) in 115 rural communities of Cajamarca.

 The "Light at Home" program received the 2011 'Empresa Solidaria' prize from the Codespa Foundation. The prize was received by the president of the Company, José Manuel Entrecanales, from the hands of HRH the Prince of Asturias, honorary president of Codespa Foundation. 

As well, in 2012 the program "Light at Home", was among the winners of the III SERES Foundation Awards. The panel of judges emphasized the innovative character of this social initiative and its seamless connection with ACCIONA's strategic business lines.


Now it deploys the pilot project of ‘Luz en Casa Amazonia’ in the river Napo basin (Napo district, province of Maynas, department of Loreto) with the aim of validating a sustainable and scalable technological and management delivery model in the Peruvian Amazonia.


The Luz Comunitaria-Cajamarca (Cajamarca Community Electricity Program) sets out to take electricity to community centers located in places serviced by ACCIONA Microenergy Peru (AMP) in Peru's Cajamarca region. 

This initiative is promoted jointly by the ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation, Energy Without Frontiers Foundation and the ICAI Engineers Foundation for Development, along with ACCIONA Microenergy Peru in the role of local partner. A number of other institutions collaborate with the project and provide economic and technical support at different stages of the program.

Initially, seven Community PV Solar Units (CPVSU) were installed in five schools and two churches in the districts of Namora and San Pablo. More recently, and with co-financing from the Madrid Regional Government, a further ten CPVSUs were installed in seven schools and three churches in the San Pablo and Tumbadén districts.


In 2012, the ACCIONA Microenergia foundation brought and adapted its rural electrification programme ‘Luz en Casa’ to the Mexican situation, so as to give a solution to the Oaxaca communities of population less than 100, where the electricity public utility (Comision Federal de Electricidad-CFE) had no plans of electrification. The Mexican non-profit association, which was created by the ACCIONA Microenergia foundation, ACCIONA Microenergia Mexico implements ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’ in partnership with the Government of the State of Oaxaca and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation. In 2016, this programme ends in bringing electricity, with third generation solar home systems, to 7,500 households (30,000 people).

More information in ACCIONA Experience


ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation In line with its search for formulas for environmentally-sustainable economic cooperation, the ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation has developed a model for promoting local entrepreneurship based on setting up franchises devoted to maintenance services and the sale of energy-efficient electric appliances in isolated rural communities in Cajamarca (Peru) and Oaxaca (Mexico). These  “Luz en Casa Centres" serve 11,500 homes to which the Foundation provided electricity for the first time through social enterprises that handle the supply, operation and maintenance of solar home systems in villages with no grid connection.

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