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Water technologies center

The Innovation strategy at work in ACCIONA Agua is geared towards national and international technological leadership, to supply high quality water through efficient, sustainable technologies to improve social, economic, and environmental well-being and health.

The Centre has the most advanced facilities for the study of water technologies, which include our research labs.


Our lines of innovation are:

  • Desalination
  • Purification
  • Re-use
  • Supply networks



Water for desalination has different properties according to the location of the desalination plant, meaning that every project is a challenge, since the process is designed according to the local environment.

ACCIONA works on technological advancements that can provide solutions to a whole range of issues, as well as new desalination technologies to make the process more cost effective and efficient. Highlights include:

  • Advanced pre-treatments.
  • Reduction in energy consumption.
  • Improved technologies for reverse osmosis membranes.
  • New desalination processes.



Treatment and Re-use

A highlight of our work in treatment and re-use innovation is optimising energy efficiency in our treatment facilities, minimising, and advanced re-use of treated water.

With this on-going work ACCIONA hopes to improve the energy efficiency of treatment plants and optimise production of biogas, as well as increase the removal of nutrients and develop new re-usage processes.



Supply network

In order to facilitate the proper use of hydric resources, guarantee the supply of drinkable water, and optimize the production and water catchment facilities to save energy and costs, ACCIONA is implementing in any installation for the treatment or supply of water, a system for the management of the drinkable water supply grid that will allow to instantly and remotely control the quality of the water and monitoring digital signals from the equipment in order to manage with the greatest efficiency possible and have all the precise and needed knowledge of the grid status.


Infographic of the functioning of the smart water grid of the city of Burgos.


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