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Construction centre

The research areas being developed in Madrid Construction Center are positioned towards offering differential/added value with respect to other companies in the sector both at a national and an international level.

 Our lines of innovation are:

  • Linear projects
  • Composite material infrastructure
  • New technologies for maritime construction projects
  • Environmental technologies
  • Sustainable building
  • Building process improvement

Linear projects

ACCIONA Construction has a great know-how in different action scopes related to railway and construction. We innovate developing new impermeable tunnel systems (for instance by the use of new bicomponent mortars), designing and fabricating innovative tunnel coating systems, and validating own designs for plate roads to use in railway projects.


Within this area, we also research in order to obtain new generation firms with greater structural resistance, that have a lesser environmental impact, substituting petroleum/oil variants.


Composite material infrastructure

The composite materials have shown to be the optimal construction solution thanks to their versatility, lightness, and structural capacity. Within this area, ACCIONA develops modular solutions that have ended up being excellent construction structures, resistant to corrosion in costal environments like caissons in FRP and concrete hybrids, pilings and sheet piling.



Other projects with composites 


New technologies for maritime construction projects

The fabrication of construction elements for offshore applications is another one of our strategic objectives. The main goal is the design, validation and confirmation of gravity cement filling system based on the use of maritime concrete caissons for semi-deep waters (30-50m). Associated to this aim is also the development of coatings to increase the durability of the concrete used and the development of a methodology for the installation of gravity cement filling




Environmental technologies

In order to achieve environmental improvements in the projects, ACCIONA bets on the use of residue left by local companies to upgrade the materials or processes of the projects. Through the use of INDUSTRIAL SIMBIOSIS, residue is studied and methodologies and procedures for processing and incorporation to processes are developed.

On top of this, in the last few years ACCIONA has achieved the elimination of hydrocarbons from the floors of the building sites by applying bioremediation.


FISSAC Project 


Sustainable building

The use of new technologies to rehabilitate energy efficiency and sustainability includes both passive technologies for rehabilitation as well as active systems for generation, storage, and energy management.

In the first case the new façade for energy rehabilitation in buildings is obtained along with the application of passive technologies for rehabilitation in districts through sustainably urban methodologies for development and eco-efficient design.

In the second case an evaluation of trigeneration plants is made, a validation of operation conditions for a Microgrid, or development of a building-control center.


Building process improvement

The improvement of processes goes hand in hand with the incorporation of new technologies and IT platform development that allow for the remote management of both teams and processes. The goal of these platforms is the improvement of quality and efficiency of ACCIONA’s projects as well as the reduction of costs.


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