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SEAMAR Project: Ornithological Radar

In May 2013, based on the participation of ACCIONA Energía in the SEAMAR R&D project, an ornithological radar was put into operation in the surrondings of a wind farm.

The so-calledornithological radarswere designed to improve the space / time understanding of animal movements, providing information on the composition, size and movement patterns in the surroundings. This information is of great value with direct application in the monitoring tasks carried out on wind farms to minimise the impact of the wind farm´s activity on wildlife.

The Robin 3D Flex system with Furunotechnology consists of a horizontal radar (S-band) and a vertical raider (X-band) that can provide an integral movement view (3D).

Throughout 2015, a series of software updates to minimize interference of the different elements in the landscape as well as improving the classification criteria of the movement have been carried out. Actions such as the implementation of an alarm system, the validation of direct observations and the use of a drone to check the level of the detection system and characterization of areas of the environment have also been carried out.

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