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The Port Stanvac desalination plant (Adelaide, Australia) is one of the five largest in the world.

ACCIONA Agua provides cutting edge desalination technologies, design and operating practices, including an innovative diffuser for saline concentrate which ensures the correct mix to respect marine balance.

The diffuser is merely physical in nature. At low flow the valve is almost closed, meaning the speed is adequate for a good distribution. At high flow the valve opens more, such that the speed is adequate for the plume (outflow) not to break the surface of the sea.

The aim is to obtain good distribution in the marine environment in the underwater outfall pipe for a broad range of brine outlet flows.

The brine outlet flow is not constant over time - it varies depending on plant operation. Also, the outlet pipe is designed to work at maximum flow, therefore when it works at lower flows the outlet speed is also lower, and the brine distribution is worse or almost non-existent. The improvement involves a system which makes good distribution possible without breaking the surface for a wide range of flows. 

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