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Since 2013, ACCIONA actively collaborates with the Foundation for Research in Ethology and Biodiversity (FIEB in Spanish) on a European project to develop a centre for captive breeding and study of the behaviour of the European mink, a critically endangered species. This centre is the most important captive breeding centre of the National Strategy and the one with more number of European minks In this facilities during in 2017, 4 new breedings have born in perfect conditions, which are added to the 10 born between 2015 and 2016, which is a success for the continuity of this species.

The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is one of the most endangered species in the world having been their populations dramatically reduced in the last years partly because of the American mink emergence

In November 2011, the European mink became considered to be Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2012), the highest level of threat considered for a species.

visón europeoThe aim of the project, is to increase the number of individuals to face possible drastic drops in numbers in the wild and to generate individuals capable of surviving in the natural environment, with the aim of subsequent reintroduction.

This is a project with significant international repercussions, as only three European mink populations exist in the world, and one of those is in Spain. 

This project is carried out with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the collaboration of ACCIONA.

crías de visón europeo



ACCIONA in collaboration with the Foundation for Research in Ethology and Biodiversity has generated a new ecosystem by creating a wetland and planting over 400 native trees. 

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