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Good governance

ACCIONA maintains a firm commitment to the continuous improvement of Corporate Governance, and is complying with modifications to the current legal framework governing this issue, incorporating new information requirements for all listed companies. As part of the Company's commitment to continuous improvement in Corporate Governance, we have modified the Company's Bylaws, the Shareholders' Meeting Regulation, the Board of Directors Regulation and the Company´s Code of Conduct.

Good Governance at ACCIONA

  • The Board of Director´s Report on Remuneration Policy was submitted for consultative approval at the General Shareholders' Meeting (90,26% vote in favour).
  • Modification and update of ACCIONA´s Code of Conduct, approved by the Board of Directors in November 2011.
  • ACCIONA S.A., adherence to the Spanish Tax Agency's Code of Good Tax Practices, with the aim of adopting and finalizing its control, prevention and compliance systems and meeting existing regulations.
  • ACCIONA is making progress towards achieving gender balance and there are now three women on the ACCIONA Board of Directors. (27,27%), out of 11 members.
  • The Board of Directors is distributed by a 55% of Independent Directors, 18% of Proprietary Directors, 18% of Executives Directors and 9% by Other External Directors
  • In 2013, an independent member of the Sustainability Committee designated as Lead Independent Director.
  • ACCIONA’s Board of Directors approved the amendment of the Internal Code of Conduct in the Securities Market
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