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Clean Development Mechanisms

Among the policies developed for the fight against Climate Change is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a tool with two main objectives: to provide countries with emissions reduction obligations with their fulfilment and to support the transfer of clean technologies to developing countries.

ACCIONA actively participates in the implementation of projects associated with the fight against climate change in developing and emerging countries, supporting the transfer to clean technologies through Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs). It has registered a total of 8 projects in countries such as Mexico, India, Chile and Costa Rica which amount to 750 MW of installed renewable power capacity.

ACCIONA participates in the voluntary carbon market through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) programme, one of the most respected standards for voluntary credits, with two wind power projects in the United States with a combined power of 255 MW.



100% of the electrical energy supplied by ACCIONA is generated without emitting carbon. For this reason, the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) has given it a "Level A" in CO2 emissions, equivalent to zero emissions.

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