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Corporate policies book

The Policies Book was approved by the Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors  in April 2013 and is made up of four sections:

Sustainability and Innovation. Pride of place goes to the Sustainability policy: it is applicable Company-wide and establishes the framework for all other ACCIONA policies and standards.

The Economic Sphere and Good Governance: Includes all anti-corruption, antitrust, quality and risk management issues.

The Social Sphere: Brings together policies concerning human rights, human resources and occupational risk prevention, and social action.

The Environmental Sphere: Covers policies on the environment, biodiversity and the fight on climate change.

Corporate policies book

As part of its Sustainability Master Plan (SMP 2015), ACCIONA has compiled a  Policies Book that updates existing policies and introduces new ones that reflect the Company's commitments and lays down the guidelines for all Group companies regarding its economic, social and environmental principles.

Director remuneration policy

The General Meeting of Shareholders, held on 18 May 2017, approved the new Director remuneration policy. Consult  the general principles and the remuneration for the board of directors for its collegiate and additional remuneration system for performance of executive functions here

Policy on communications and contacts with shareholders and investors

ACCIONA has adopted this policy in order to enhance communications with its shareholders and investors in Spain and other countries and to foster transparency in public disclosures about the group.

Director selection policy

ACCIONA has approved a policy of selection of Directors that ensures that proposals for the appointment or re-election of Directors are based on a prior analysis of the needs of the Board of Directors and that their composition favors the diversity of knowledge, experiences and gender.

Personal data protection Policy

The main purpose of this policy is to establish the company's commitment regarding personal data protection and to define a framework that allows ensuring said protection and respecting the aforementioned principles and rights that are established by applicable legislation.

ACCIONA Group Anti-corruption Guidelines

The ACCIONA Group undertakes to conduct its business with integrity. This means avoiding any form of corruption and fulfilling all the applicable laws and other regulations against bribery and corruption and to follow the recommendations of international organisations such as the OECD and the United Nations. The Group is also a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, under which we have made a commitment to combat corruption and bribery worldwide.


This commitment on the part of ACCIONA is set out in our Code of Conduct, our Anticorruption Policy, as well as in the Anti-corruption Guidelines approved by the Group Board of Directors. These guidelines provide compliance guidelines to prevent misconduct, being applicable and compulsory for employees and third parties with which ACCIONA works (including agents, brokers, consultants and suppliers).

  • Acciona group anticorruption guidelines Pdf of 0KB
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