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Annual Report 2015 | ACCIONA

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ACCIONA in Numbers | Annual Report 2015
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ACCIONA in Numbers | Annual Report 2015

05/05/2016 ACCIONA presents this video of its main figures for 2015. The company reports ""solid financial results"": a 0.7% increase in revenues to €6,544 billion, an 8.4% increase in EBITDA to €1.174 billion, and a 2.5% debt reduction since 2014. The company aims to keep the debt:EBITDA ratio between 4 and 4.5 times. In keeping with its commitment to innovation, ACCIONA invested 3.4% more in R+D+i, amounting to €180.4 million invested in 2015. In fact, between 2010 and 2015, ACCIONA has invested €876.4 million in research. These activities have consolidated ACCIONA's position as a leader in the fight against climate change. More information at: http://annualreport2015.acciona.com/ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/interacciona1?sub_confirmation=1 Website: https://www.acciona.com/ --Social Media-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/acciona_en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACCIONA.English/ LinkedIn: http://acciona.sa/YsSOM Google +: http://acciona.sa/YsT6T Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acciona/
Energy | Annual Report 2015 | ACCIONA
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Energy | Annual Report 2015 | ACCIONA

05/05/2016 ACCIONA Energy continued to expand production and bring renewable energy to more countries than ever before. The Energy division finished 2015 with excellent customer sales and generation revenues--even more than in 2014--all due to the new installed capacity and operation improvements. ACCIONA Energy also increased its own overall energy capacity to 8,619 MW in five technologies in 15 countries. The company began construction of its biggest photovoltaic plant in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Watch this video to learn more about ACCIONA Energy's advances in 2015. More information at: http://annualreport2015.acciona.com/energy.html Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/interacciona1?sub_confirmation=1 Website: https://www.acciona.com/ --Social Media-- Twitter: https://twitter.com/acciona_en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACCIONA.English/ LinkedIn: http://acciona.sa/YsSOM Google +: http://acciona.sa/YsT6T Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acciona/
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