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ACCIONA strengthens its presence among the most sustainable companies in the world


It has been selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for another year, and within the Electric Utilities sector for the second consecutive year. 

ACCIONA has been selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) - for the second consecutive year in the Electric Utilities sector-, according to the assessment carried out by RobecoSAM in 2014.

ACCIONA improved both its total score and its rating in the three dimensions examined - economic, social and environmental - in comparison with the previous year. The listing on the DJSI World index ratifies ACCIONA's capacity as a leading group in the implementation of corporate sustainability policies, and is a recognition of its efforts and commitment.

Within the Economic Dimension, we would highlight the progress made in Risk Management in comparison with 2013 and the improvements in Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management. In the Environmental Dimension, the outstanding feature is the high score obtained in Biodiversity, Environmental Policy/Management System and Climate Strategy. As for the Social Dimension, the company improved its score in Labor Practice Indicators and Human RightsHuman CapitalDevelopment and Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy.

As well as ACCIONA, another 13 Spanish companies appear in the 2014 edition of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.  For the 2014 review, DJSI World invited 3,395 companies and proceeded to analyze 1,813. Of these, 319 were finally selected (cf. 333 in 2013) as those with the best corporate sustainability criteria in the world. The new composition of the index will come into effect next September 22nd.

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