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ACCIONA will provide a service to more than 200 treatment plants and 500 pumping stations in sardinia for 65 million euros


The plants have a capacity of around 300,000 cubic meters per day and provide a service to almost one and a half a million people. 

ACCIONA has been awarded the handling, supervision, control and maintenance of the Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) and pumping stations and the conservation, adaptation and improvement of Abbanoa SpA's complex of plants, located in the north and center of Sardinia, for almost 65 million euros.

The operating contract is for 36 months and covers more than 200 treatment plants and 500 pumping stations grouped in three batches:

1) Nuoro-Oristano - for 26.6 million euros - consisting of 104 treatment plants and 241 pumping stations, where around 95 people are employed; 2) Sassari-Olbia - for 33.1 million euros - covering 109 treatment plants and 240 pumping stations, with 111 employees; and 3) Lanusei - for five million euros- with 16 treatment plants and 45 pumping stations and around 15 people hired. In total, the treatment plants have a capacity of almost 300.000 cubic metres per day, to provide a service to a population of around one and a half million.

ACCIONA Agua has extensive operations in Italy, particularly in the Mediterranean area. It recently won a 10-year contract to supply potable water to the islands of Pantelleria, Linosa and Lampedusa through the operation of modular seawater desalination plants. Eighteen months ago the company won the tender for the design, construction and start-up of the Potable Water Treatment at Siniscola, with the aim of covering the demand for drinking water of a large part of the population in the center and north-east of Sardinia. The agreement covers the towns of Budoni, Posada, Siniscola, Torpè and San Teodoro, all tourist resorts on the island, plus the improvement of the Anconella WWTP in Florence or the maintenance of networks in Bologna.

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