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ACCIONA a world leader in the fight against climate change, according to CDP


ACCIONA tops the Utilities sector in the new CDP index, “A List” CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014,  which lists the 187 companies with the best performance in the fight against climate change.


ACCIONA has been included in the A List” CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014drawn up by the international organization CDP which lists the 187 international companies that have achieved the top ratings for their performance in the fight against climate change. ACCIONA, which was assessed in the Utilities category, was given a special mention by the organization as the best company in its sector for its “commitment to driving the transition towards a low-carbon economy, having reduced its CO2 by 63% since 2007.”

This is the first time that CDP has drawn up this index of the world’s standout climate performance companies at the request of 767 major investors representing one-third of the total capital invested in global markets, which are seeking a tool for evaluating the corporate efforts made to mitigate climate change.

In drawing up the “A List: CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014”, CDP assessed more than 2,000 stock market quoted companies worldwide, finally including just 187 of them in the index which achieved the classification of ‘outstanding’.

ACCIONA’s inclusion on the A List: CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014 endorses its offering in the eyes of public and private clients which include sustainability in their strategies, a criterion that is being given increasing importance in both national and international public tenders and is gradually becoming an important if not essential element in the scoring system.

With this recognition, ACCIONA has revalidated for the fourth year running its “A” rating – the highest possible – which in 2013 earned it a special award from CDP as one of the four Spanish companies with the highest performance rating in terms of climate change. 

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