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ACCIONA takes sustainability to classrooms in Extremadura


Teachers from more than 80 education centers are being trained to convey to their pupils sustainable development values and respect for the environment as part of ACCIONA's "Sustainability Workshop"

Teachers from more than 80 education centers are being trained to convey to their pupils sustainable development values and respect for the environment as part of ACCIONA's "Sustainability Workshop".

During this week were given by ACCIONA, training sessions on sustainability to around one hundred primary, secondary and special education teachers in more than 80 schools in the Extremadura region in southwest Spain.

These special training days, which are being held in Teacher and Resources Centers in the cities and municipalities of Cáceres, Badajoz, Don Benito, Jerez de los Caballeros, Navalmoral de la Mata and Plasencia, are part of a range of initiatives known collectively as the "Sustainability Workshop", organized by ACCIONA in conjunction with the Extremadura Region Education Department.

The project aims to provide free educational resources for teachers who give their pupils (aged 10-16) supplementary education on sustainability, and who raise the youngsters' awareness on the need for development based on economic balance, social responsibility and respect for natural resources.

The program delivers its resources through a website, www.sostenibilidad.com, that includes an area open to the public with educational with activities and resources, an area restricted to teachers and another one exclusively for pupils.

The training sessions currently being held are aimed at making the best possible use of these online resources and advising teachers on how to introduce the subject of sustainability in the classroom.

The Sustainability Workshop also envisages, as an end-of-school-year event, a competition called "Make your school sustainable". The winners get to visit ACCIONA's installations in Madrid (Spain).

The Sustainability Workshop is part of the ACCIONA Sustainability Master Plan 2015 and is carried out in the spirit of the United Nations Organization which promotes the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).

At the moment, as well as in Extremadura, schools in Navarre, Catalonia, Madrid (all in Spain) as well as a number of schools in Mexico, are taking part in the program.

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