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ACCIONA’s sustainability strategy is recognized by “Women Together” at a ceremony at UN Headquarters


ACCIONA has been recognized by the NGO "Women Together" with the "Business Award" for the Company's sustainable development strategy. The award was collected at UN HQ (New York) by ACCIONA Energy President, Carmen Becerril, who emphasized that ACCIONA's entire range of business activities is driven by sustainability.

ACCIONA has been recognized by the NGO "Women Together" with the "Business Award" for the Company's sustainable development strategy. The award was collected at UN HQ (New York) by ACCIONA Energy President, Carmen Becerril, who emphasized that ACCIONA's entire range of business activities is driven by sustainability.

Founded in 1996 under the auspices of the UN, "Women Together" is a not-for-profit organization which promotes the worldwide eradication of poverty through development projects. The "Women Together" Awards set out to provide recognition for personal and institutional actions that open up new horizons for humankind, within the framework of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, Ms. Becerril underscored the fact that ACCIONA carries out activities in highly relevant fields for the planet, namely, energy, infrastructure and water, and that the sustainability factor is present in each of and every one of them. "At ACCIONA we are convinced that sustainable business is the only way forward; our Sustainability Master Plan (SMP), which stretches to the year 2015 and was recently submitted to the approval of our shareholders at our AGM, is sound proof of this. The SMP is our road map for the future".

The President of ACCIONA Energy also referred to other Company initiatives in the sphere of Corporate Social Responsibility, such as the Sustainability Workshop, which is aimed at schools, and the ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation's activities which are helping to bring energy, water and infrastructure to rural communities in developing countries. Ms. Becerril also took the opportunity to announce that ACCIONA will be donating solar PV systems for a number of initiatives being carried out by "Women Together".

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