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ACCIONA Agua wins four new water management contracts in Spain


ACCIONA Agua will take on the operation and maintenance of Seville’s main water treatment plant, the wastewater services for Calatayud (Zaragoza) and two desalination plants on the island of Grand Canary; and will manage the integrated water cycle for the city of Soria.

The contracts, which come to a total of 21.2 million euros, will enable ACCIONA Agua to deliver water services to a population equivalent of more than 1.5 million inhabitants.

ACCIONA Agua will take on the operation and maintenance of Seville’s main water treatment plant, the wastewater services for Calatayud (Zaragoza) and two desalination plants on the island of Grand Canary; and will manage the integrated water cycle for the city of Soria.

The contracts, which come to a total of 21.2 million euros, will enable ACCIONA Agua to deliver water services to a population equivalent of more than 1.5 million inhabitants.

17/06/2009ACCIONA Agua has been awarded the operation, conservation and management of the Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) of Copero and Calatayud: Copero is Seville’s main WWTP, with capacity for a population equivalent of 1.4 million inhabitants, while the Calatayud (Zaragoza) plant serves a population of 60,000 inhabitants. The Company will also take on the operation and management for six months of two desalination plants in the northwest area of the island of Grand Canary.

In addition, Soria City Council has renewed ACCIONA Agua’s contract for the management of the integrated water cycle, for a population of approximately 50,000 inhabitants.  Altogether, the four contracts come to 21.2 million euros and will enable ACCIONA Agua to deliver water services to a population equivalent of more than 1.5 million inhabitants.

Wastewater treatment in Seville and Zaragoza

The Seville Metropolitan Water Supply and Treatment Company (EMASESA), has awarded ACCIONA Agua a 5.5 million euro contract for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Copero WWTP and the Guadaira and La Isla pumping stations. The Copero WWTP contract runs for an initial period of two years, with a possible extension for a further two years.

The Copero WWTP, located in the municipality of Dos Hermanas (Seville), is designed to treat a flow of 255,000 m3/day and has a population equivalent of 1.4 million. It is currently the largest WWTP serving the Seville metropolitan area.

ACCIONA Agua has also been awarded by the Aragon Institute of Water a three-year O&M  contract (with a possible extension for a further three years) for the Calatayud and Carramolina WWTPs - both located in Zaragoza province - with a capacity of 8,000 m3/day and 160 m3/day, respectively.

ACCIONA Agua’s wastewater treatment services currently deliver some 6.6 million cubic metres/day to a population equivalent of more than 29 million inhabitants.

Water supply for Soria

ACCIONA Agua has yet again been entrusted by the Soria City Council with integrated management of the city’s water, a service that the company has been delivering since 1993. The 10 million euro concession contract covers the capture, potabilization and distribution of drinking water, as well as end-user management, and sanitation and purification of wastewater from the city of Soria and its outlying rural areas.

Water-capture takes place at the Campillo de Buitrago weir, on the River Duero, and potabilization is carried out at the city’s WWTP; there, it is subjected to intensive physical/chemical treatment, providing a daily output of 13,700 cubic metres. The water then goes to the Belosillo and Castillo storage tanks, from where it is distributed to the city, the local industrial estate and the municipalities of Pedrajas, Toledillo and Oteruelos. The volume distributed to the city of Soria is 5 Hm3, delivering to approximately 50,000 inhabitants.

In Spain, ACCION Agua manages the integrated water cycle for more than 30 municipalities, supplying water to over 1.6 million end-users.

Two desal plants in Grand Canary

Finally, the Grand Canary Water Authority has awarded ACCIONA Agua a 4 million euro contract for the operation, conservation and maintenance of the Roque Prieto and Bocabarranco desal plants located on the island of Grand Canary, with a production capacity of 5,000 m3/day and 10,000 m3/day, respectively. The concession contract runs for six years.

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