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Health and safety in the workplace

ACCIONA is committed to prevention and awareness-raising.

Security and health at ACCIONA

For ACCIONA, the prevention of occupational risks is a differentiating element and an indispensable requirement for guaranteeing the health and safety of its employees and collaborators.

ACCIONA has a specific Occupational Risk Prevention Strategy and Action Plan in place, which sets out to comply with legal requirements; educate, inform and raise awareness among employees with regard to their obligations and responsibilities, and obtain the commitment of the entire organisation to comply with the rules.

At ACCIONA, we are aware that we work in sectors that are particularly sensitive to these problems. Therefore, we place special emphasis on prevention and this is demonstrated by the certifications obtained and by the notable reduction in the Company's accident rate.

Participation, training and collaboration

At ACCIONA, in addition to the resources earmarked by the Company each year, we have seen that the key to the success of our workplace prevention efforts are the employees themselves through their commitment and by taking on individual responsibilities. ACCIONA's Occupational Health and Prevention Institute has carried out more than 89,752 hours of training activity, making ACCIONA one of the Spanish companies with the highest levels of investment in this type of training.

ACCIONA also collaborates actively in external multi-sector cooperation forums for the development of common risk prevention strategies and policies along with government agencies, labour unions, insurance companies, etc. ACCIONA has declared its full support for the objectives of the Seul Declaration on Safety and Health at Work.

The ACCIONA Health & Wellness Plan

Our commitment to health and wellness comes high on our list of priorities and is one of the cornerstones of our value proposal for our people. The ACCIONA Health & Wellness Plan revolves around three basic hubs-workplace health, nutrition and exercise-and sets out to promote the ongoing improvement of the physical and emotional wellness of our people.

In the field of workplace health and preventive medicine, ACCIONA, in collaboration with the whole workforce and Spain's National Cardiovascular Research Center (CNIC), is conducting an epidemiological study, a first in the Spanish business community. In addition, the Company has set up a permanent Physiotherapy Service, available in the Company's offices in Madrid (central Spain) and Navarre and Biscay (northern Spain). ACCIONA also carries out annual awareness and information campaigns on prevention, e.g. flu jabs, donating blood, road safety, and so on.

Nutrition is another important feature of the Plan and ACCIONA gives its employees information on healthy eating for every season of the year, as well as special dietary recommendations (e.g. low-calorie diets, or mineral- and vitamin-rich diets, etc.), all of which is available on the corporate intranet. The Company has also carried out a nutritional study of the food served in the cafeteria at ACCIONA head office and has checked the range of vending products.

ACCIONA also pays special attention to physical exercise and is advised by Spain's Higher Sports Council and encourages sport among our people by arranging special agreements with gyms offering ACCIONA employees discounts and other benefits, as well as organizing sporting events. The Company also promotes healthy exercise to help our people avoid a sedentary lifestyle, e.g. by encouraging them to cycle into work.

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