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Diversity and equality

ACCIONA implements policies to promote equal opportunities and personal diversity in the workplace.

diversity and equality at ACCIONA

A company's success depends on the people who are part of it. At ACCIONA, diversity and equality are the cornerstones of social progress and growth and the core of our corporate philosophy.

ACCIONA has made a commitment to the ethical values and principles that promote equal opportunities in all aspects of personnel management. Furthermore, we have implemented programmes, internal procedures and actions aimed at creating a working environment which embraces diversity and rejects discrimination of any kind.

The application of these values is guaranteed by permanent engagement with social agents, in a two-way communication that leads to the achievement of important milestones in the area of equality and diversity, such as the employment of women in sectors where they are underrepresented or the integration of people with disabilities or marginalised groups, among others.

Social integration

ACCIONA works alongside a number of organizations and institutions to integrate differently-abled people:

  • The FSC Inserta Foundation (ONCE), in the Inserta Program,
  • Special Empliyment Centers and collaboration with, among others, the UNIVERSIA Foundation, an organization that aids the integration of differently-abled university graduates, or the Spanish Paralympic Committee, helping to integrate top-class athletes.

At the end of 2015 we expect differently-abled people to make up 3% of the ACCIONA workforce.

ACCIONA is a founder member of Spain's Association for Responsible Public Hiring and signed an agreement with the Down Syndrome Foundation earlier this year.

Effective Equality of Women and Men

At ACCIONA, equal opportunities is a central feature of a range of solid projects aimed at providing attractive opportunities for professional development and fostering an effective policy for managing the talents of men and women in all our lines of business.

ACCIONA attempts to distribute its staff as evenly as possible and to improve working conditions by promoting measures to conciliate work and family life. ACCIONA strives to foster an equality-oriented business culture and to prevent any type of discriminatory conduct.

The Company has a  Code of Conduct at the disposal of employees, clients, suppliers, shareholders and the public at-large. Possible breaches of the Code can be reported anonymously through the Ethical Channel.

ACCIONA has approved an Equality Plan for the defence and effective application of the universal principle of equality between women and men. An Action Plan was developed in 2009 and the first steps towards implementation have already been taken.

All ACCIONA subcontractor contracts and purchase agreements include a clause which requires the subcontractor to respect the principles and obligations of the Organic Law on the Effective Equality of Women and Men in order to prevent sexual or gender-based harassment and any other type of direct or indirect discrimination.

Women make up more than a quarter (31%) of the ACCIONA workforce.

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