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    Our People

    ACCIONA's workforce of more than 30,000 spans the five continents.

    The Company works on making advances in policies and programs aimed at creating the most highly skilled and diverse teams that are best equipped to add value to the business and work in a highly demanding and constantly evolving environment. At the same time, measures are strengthened to foster a company culture based on high performance, equal opportunities, social responsibility and the satisfaction of the people who work in the company.

    Data from 2016 *Data from 2015

    ACCIONA's team

    Our team

    In recent years, ACCIONA has developed into a company with one of the best defined corporate projects, committed to sustainable development and offering career opportunities in some of the most dynamic emerging sectors around the world.

    We have shown ourselves to be a company committed to the professional success and the development of our employees, continuously investing in the advancement of our professional talent. We also place priority on employee health and safety which identifies and differentiates the company's working practices.

    ACCIONA's formation


    An innovating corporate training style with ACCIONA University.
    ACCIONA is at the forefront in the design and application of advanced HR management tools when it comes to training. A clear example of this key role is the ACCIONA University, a challenge undertaken by the Company years ago and which it has risen to with flying colours.

    Security and health at ACCIONA

    Health and safety in the workplace

    For ACCIONA, the prevention of occupational risks is a differentiating element and an indispensable requirement for guaranteeing the health and safety of its employees and collaborators.

    ACCIONA has a specific Occupational Risk Prevention Strategy and Action Plan in place, which sets out to comply with legal requirements; educate, inform and raise awareness among employees with regard to their obligations and responsibilities, and obtain the commitment of the entire organisation to comply with the rules.

    At ACCIONA, we are aware that we work in sectors that are particularly sensitive to these problems. Therefore, we place special emphasis on prevention and this is demonstrated by the certifications obtained and by the notable reduction in the Company's accident rate.

    diversity and equality at ACCIONA

    Diversity and equality

    A company's success depends on the people who are part of it. At ACCIONA, diversity and equality are the cornerstones of social progress and growth and the core of our corporate philosophy.

    ACCIONA has made a commitment to the ethical values and principles that promote equal opportunities in all aspects of personnel management. Furthermore, we have implemented programmes, internal procedures and actions aimed at creating a working environment which embraces diversity and rejects discrimination of any kind.

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