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Davos forum recognizes ACCIONA as one of the world’s most responsible companies


ACCIONA ranked ‘ Gold Class Sector Leader’ by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and Sustainable Asset Mangement (SAM), and included among the world’s most responsible companies by Corporate Knights magazine.

ACCIONA ranked ‘ Gold Class Sector Leader’ by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and Sustainable Asset Mangement (SAM), and included among the world’s most responsible companies by Corporate Knights magazine.

World Economic ForumACCIONA has been identified as a Gold Class Sector Leader and appears in The Sustainability Yearbook 2009, a world benchmark in the field of sustainability, published by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and Sustainable Asset Management (SAM). The Yearbook assesses the results of Dow Jones Sustainability Index components in different industry sectors and lists the world’s leading companies for sustainability and corporate responsibility. Last year ACCIONA was ranked Silver Class. Each year the world’s 2,500 largest corporations are invited to subject themselves to SAM’s assessment for sustainability: only the top 15% make it into the Yearbook.

ACCIONA has also been included in The Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World index, a project initiated by Corporate Knights magazine and Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, with ACCIONA appearing this year for the first time in the Utilities sector. The Global 100 index includes companies from 15 companies and a range of sectors and industries. Companies are assessed in terms of efficiency of environmental and social management and risk/ opportunities management within their sector.

This two-fold international recognition of ACCIONA’s corporate responsibility policy will be officially announced shortly at the World Economic Forum, in Davos (Switzerland).

In 2008, ACCIONA retained its place as sector leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) and the Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index (DJSI STOXX), two international benchmark indices for sustainability and socially responsible investment. The DSJI indices are made up of the most economically, socially and environmentally advanced corporations in the world (DJSI World) and in Europe (DJSI Stoxx).

World Economic Forum

ACCIONA, a component of several indices

ACCIONA is also a component of other sustainability in investment indices, such as the Standard and Poors’ S&P Global Clean Energy Index, and the KLD Global Climate 100 Index, which promotes investment in 100 companies that “have displayed leadership in the fight against climate change using renewable energy, clean technology, efficiency and future fuels”.

This international recognition of ACCIONA confirms the company’s leadership in the field of sustainable development and underlines the success of ACCIONA’s ambitious corporate responsibility project. In this respect, ACCIONA continues to walk the road of innovation and leadership, with social wellbeing and sustainability as the two fundamental pillars of the company’s activity.

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