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ACCIONA will supply drinking water to three italian islands for ten years


It is strengthening its presence in the Mediterranean with supplies to Pantelleria, Linosa and Lampedusa.

The total annual flow will be around 4.6 million cubic meters, with revenues of 54.5 million euros earned.

ACCIONA has been awarded the contract for the supply of potable water to the islands of Pantelleria, Linosa and Lampedusa through the operation of modular seawater desalination plants over ten years. The investment is expected to exceed 3.3 million euros, with total revenues of over 54.5 million euros for the period. The contract strengthens the presence of ACCIONA Agua in Italy, and particularly in the Mediterranean area.

To supply Pantelleria, ACCIONA - through a temporary joint venture with Sofip and Protecno - will operate the plants in Sataria and Maggiuluvedi, using sea and brackish water respectively. Together, they will reach a total maximum flow of 2.2 million cubic meters (m3). The same partners are involved in Lampedusa and Linosa, and the seawater treated will reach a maximum annual flow of almost 2.4 million m3. The objective is to renew the desalination facilities by including membranes for water treatment through inverse osmosis, which will mean energy savings and a lower water price for end users.

Eighteen months ago ACCIONA Agua was awarded a tender for the design, construction and start-up of the Potable Water Treatment Plant at Siniscola to cover the demand for drinking water in much of the center and north-east of Sardinia. This area includes the municipalities of Budoni, Posada, Siniscola, Torpè and San Teodoro, all tourist resorts with a population that rises to 170,000 in summer. It is the third potable water plant installed by ACCIONA Agua in the country, after those located at Pedra Majore and Menta. At the end of 2011 a contract was won by the company for improvement works to Las Arenas, one of the biggest wastewater treatment plants in Italy and the biggest on the island of Sardinia.

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