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ACCIONA will install the first electric vehicle charging network in Pamplona (Spain)


The company today signed an agreement with Pamplona City Council and the Government of Navarre to develop a pilot project.

The company today signed an agreement with Pamplona City Council and the Government of Navarre to develop a pilot project.

ACCIONA Energy will install and manage the first electric vehicle charging network on the streets of Pamplona under a cooperation agreement signed today between Pamplona City Council, ACCIONA Energy, and the Government of Navarre. The three entities will drive a pilot project to promote electric mobility that includes, as its most outstanding aspect, the installation of up to ten charging points in the city.

The agreement was signed this morning by Pamplona Mayoress Yolanda Barcina, Regional Minister for Innovation, Business and Employment José María Roig and the ACCIONA Energy President Carmen Becerril.

The location of the charging points will be specified following a study that will be made by ACCIONA, which will contribute its technological knowledge using the information provided by the City Council on the best sites, based on a process of consultation with the public sector and local socioeconomic stakeholders. The Government of Navarre will finance the study and also provide the finance received from the Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) plus its own contribution through assistance for promoting the use of electric vehicles in Navarre (VEN).

The network set up by ACCIONA will have a maximum of ten access points, but other charging points may be added to the project later. Those in the first phase will be operational before 31st December this year. The network will have sufficient capacity to allow the intelligent management of the charging process, which will be monitored by ACCIONA Energy. As well as providing its technological knowledge and the general know-how from its field of activitiy, ACCIONA will contribute the investment required for the installation of the infrastructure and will also carry out the operation and maintenance of the system for a period of three years.

Pamplona City Council will provide the public road space for the project and will speed up the administrative procedures required for its materialization. Both the Council and the Government of Navarre undertake to purchase electric vehicles for their own use, although the charging points can be used by any EV.

Renewable electricity

The company believes that Pamplona and Navarre are ideal places to carry out a project of this type, one reason being that the region is a territory of excellence in the development of renewable energies, with capacity for innovation, solid institutional support, strong environmental awareness on the part of its citizens and an industrial fabric with a major presence of the automotive sector. The urban and territorial dimension of the project - with suitable distances inside the city and between towns in the region - and its geographical location give even greater validity to the initiative.

ACCIONA Energy, a world leader in clean energies, has positioned itself as a supplier of charging infrastructures and renewable energy sources for electric vehicles. The supply of renewable-based electricity means that the vehicle is 100% emission-free throughout the process, not just in terms of operation but also in the generation of the electricity it uses. In this way, as well as contributing to holding back climate change, the integration of renewables into the electric power system is encouraged by providing recharging in off-peak hours.

The company has developed an integral system with an advanced infrastructure that includes both the installation and the operation of charging points, plus the provision of associated information and management systems. The positioning of the company in this field has had a very good reception in the market; it had previously signed collaboration agreements with a number of automobile manufacturers (Renault-Nissan and Daimler-Benz) and a multinational shopping mall management company (Unibail-Rodamco).

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