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ACCIONA will build its third Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Italy


A Design & Build project for the Siniscola (Sardinia) drinking water treatment plant will service up to 170,000 inhabitants; at an investment of more than 9 million euro.

A Design & Build project for the Siniscola (Sardinia) drinking water treatment plant will service up to 170,000 inhabitants; at an investment of more than 9 million euro.

Italy's Abbanoa S.p.a, the public sector company that runs the island of Sardinia's integrated water services, has awarded ACCIONA Agua a Design & Build and commissioning contract for the Siniscola) drinking water treatment plant.

The facility will meet the drinking water needs of most of central and northeastern Sardinia, including the municipalities of Budoni, Posada, Siniscola, Torpè and San Teodoro, five major tourist resorts whose combined population comes to 170,000 at the peak of the summer tourist season.

ACCIONA Agua will carry out the work in a temporary joint venture with CEIF, the Italian leader in SCADA systems, electrical systems and telecommunications (80% ACCIONA/20% CEIF), at an investment of 9.2 million euro.

The new DWTP will treat surface water from the "Maccheronis" Dam in Torpè and will have a treatment capacity of 420 liters/second. Applying ACCIONA knowhow, the treatment line has been designed to be especially flexible and adaptable to a range of situations, including high turbidity levels, high organic substances concentration and the presence of metals such as iron and manganese.

A strategic country

This contract strengthens ACCIONA Agua's foothold in Italy, especially in Sardinia. This is the third drinking water plant built there by the Company, following the construction of the Pedra Majore (700 liters/second) and Menta (1,250 liters/second) facilities. Currently, ACCIONA Agua has a portfolio of 40 projects in Italy, in both drinking water and wastewater treatment, servicing more than 2,5 million people".

In late 2011, ACCIONA Agua won a contract for improvement work on Las Arenas, the biggest wastewater treatment plant in Sardinia and one of the biggest in the whole of Italy.

In other fields, ACCIONA is present in Italy through its energy division, ACCIONA Energy, which is currently building the 64MW Santa Anna wind farm in Calabria (the Company's fourth wind facility in the country), while ACCIONA Infrastructure is centering its activity on works in the transport and hospitals sectors.

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