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ACCIONA’s new Environmental Efficiency Program seeks 10% improvement in two years


The program establishes three main objectives for the first two years: achieve a 10% increase in energy efficiency and water consumption ratios; keep down waste generation and optimize waste treatment, and continue to ensure that all business activities meet environmental needs.

The four-year Plan will run worldwide in two-phases until 2012 and will be introduced first in offices and later in work centers.

The program establishes three main objectives for the first two years: achieve a 10% increase in energy efficiency and water consumption ratios; keep down waste generation and optimize waste treatment, and continue to ensure that all business activities meet environmental needs.

The four-year Plan will run worldwide in two-phases until 2012 and will be introduced first in offices and later in work centers.

26/01/09 Plan de eficiencia ambientalACCIONA has introduced an Environmental Efficiency Plan which will affect the company’s entire workforce and all its work centers across the globe. The Plan is consistent with the company’s commitment to a business model based on sustainability in all its dimensions.

Some of the initiatives included are already in place, while others are new. The Plan singles out three areas for action: Energy, Water and Waste Generation, and is divided into two phases - 2009-2010 for offices and 2010-2012 for work centers.

The first area for action is Good Energy Efficiency Practices. The Plan’s first phase (2009-2010) will aim to increase the ACCIONA’S energy efficiency ratio by 10%. To do so, the company will introduce a raft of measures, such as lowering the comfort temperature in offices by 1ºC or 2ºC in winter, and continuing to raise the temperature by up to 2ºC in the summer months, as the company has been doing for the past two years. Other steps include replacing incandescent and halogen lighting with low consumption lights; adjusting outside lighting to real needs, or installing motion detectors in little-used access points.

The second area involves drawing up a Water Consumption Efficiency Guide aimed at obtaining a 10% increase in the efficiency ratio in two years. Efforts will be made to promote rational and responsible water consumption through a range of simple actions such as raising awareness among employees of the need to: turn off faucets when not in use or while washing their hands and in other similar situations; report all leakages; avoid disposing of waste material through sinks and WCs, as it can lead to blockages; and avoid inefficient use of water in gardens.

The third and final area is the Waste Generation Efficiency Plan, aimed at increasing the separation of waste for recycling; raising by 10% the amount of paper for recycling; and bringing down by 10% the amount of toxic waste generated. Employees will be urged to separate waste paper, urban waste and plastics; separate toxic waste such as batteries, toner and others; and print documents only when necessary. Moreover, a special training course will instruct employees on the different types of waste generated in offices.

Company-wide awareness campaign

The Environmental Efficiency Plan will feature a strong internal communication campaign aimed at showing ACCIONA employees the importance of acquiring sustainable habits in their day to day work, and introducing them to the tools required for sustainable activity. The campaign logo is based on the “Butterfly Effect” and stands as a reminder that only the combined efforts of the whole ACCIONA workforce can bring about a far-reaching effect and worldwide change.

One of the measures is the creation of a special microsite designed to get the Plan under way. Users can consult the Good Environmental Practices Guide and use the suggestion box to send in their ideas and suggestions. Information posters and reminder stickers will be displayed in work centers; waste paper recycling bins will be provided, and employees will receive a special mouse pad carrying a message reminding them that every day, and by working together, they can help to make the world a better place.

Employees will continue to receive information for several months through the company intranet, brochures, fliers and a variety of other internal communication channels. Moreover, building maintenance team-leaders will receive technical instructions on how to implement and monitor the measures.

To ensure the total success of the Environmental Efficiency Plan, a set of procedures will be set up for measuring the impact of the good practices, allowing results to be measured and improvements to be made, whenever and wherever necessary.

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