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ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño wins a prize for the biggest audiovisual inmersion project in the world in the Wu Kingdom Helv Relics Museum (China)


ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño has won the international Red Dot Design Award for the audiovisual show it created for the Wu Kingdom Helv Relic Museum in the Chinese city of Wuxi.

The company designed and installed the multimedia facility, which involves the biggest immersive screen in the world (650 m2 and capacity for 3,840 visitors per day).

ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño

ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño has received the international Red Dot Design Award for the design and installation of the biggest audiovisual immersion project in the world in the Wu Kingdom Helv Relic Museum in the city of Wuxi, China. It consists of a 650-square-meter screen with an interactive floor of 400 m2 and a 250 m2 screen for projections, allowing visitors to interact with the most spectacular scenes.

To make the immersive experience possible, 22 high-resolution screens have been synchronized, plus more than 30 computers to process the signals from 14 cameras that capture images of the visitors to create 2D and 3D graphics in real time, which are then mixed with the film. The sound comes from around thirty sources located in different parts of the room. The sensation of immersion is rounded off by mirrors that cover the rest of the walls in the room to create an impression of endless space. The multimedia facility, opened in early 2014, can accommodate 3,840 people per day.

The 15-minute audiovisual show covers the most important sequences in the history of the Kingdom of Wu (a Chinese dynasty in power between 514-496 B.C.) and transports viewers to the places that marked its history through a visual and sound journey through the countryside, battles, palaces and cities. All these elements change as a result of the movements of the visitors.

The Red Dot Design Award ("Space Communication" category), won for the immersive show designed and produced by ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño, is one of the most prestigious in the design sector and is over 50 years old. This year, 7,096 candidates from 49 countries competed for the prize, and the award ceremony will take place in Berlin on October 24th this year.

In recent years, ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño - an ACCIONA Group company - has increased its activity with 85% of its projects being international in 2013, i.e. a rise of 25% over the previous year.

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