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ACCIONA Microenergy Peru reaches its economic sustainability


ACCIONA Microenergy Peru (AMP) has brought into service the last 1,700 domestic PV solar units (DPVSU), taking the total number of working units to 3,000 and making the initiative economically sustainable.

With "Project LC1700", a FOMIN-BID joint initiative, AMP has brought into service the "Light at Home" project's final 1,700 DPVSUs, in homes in 10 districts in the provinces of Cajamarca, Celedín, San Marcos and San Pablo, in Peru's Cajamarca region. With this, AMP reaches the economic sustainability of "Light at home" project, one of its distinctive features, since it is able to generate income to ensure the viability and expansion of basic electrification system from photovoltaic equipment.

This large-scale project owes its success to the logistical design of the distribution and installation of the DPVSUs in remote areas. The installation schedule was prioritized according to districts and specific locations, and provisional warehousing was organized strategically. Similarly, 25 AMP-trained technicians, all of them beneficiaries of the "Light at Home" project, split up into two-member teams to install the PV solar units. In addition, the AMP was supported by on-the-ground teams of ACCIONA Corporate Volunteers who helped train DPVSU users and participated in the distribution work, as well as supervising the previously installed units to ensure their efficient functioning.

Thus, at the end of 2013, and in less than two months, AMP has brought into operation 1,700 DPVSUs. There are now 3,000 fully operational DPVSUs delivering electricity services to households across the Cajamarca region. Homes receive four hours of electric light a day and two hours a day for connecting 12-volt electronic devices (TV, radio, etc.).

Since 2009, the "Light at Home" program has delivered basic electricity services to remote, disperse and impoverished households in Cajamarca's Sierra Norte in exchange for an affordable fee for the financially underprivileged users. AMP installed DPVSUs which it will run for a 20-year period, providing maintenance and repair. Over the past five years, and thanks to the participation of private and public players, AMP has managed to implement an electricity-services supply model that, by using clean energy, is economically affordable for low-income users, as well as being sustainable for the service provider.

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