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ACCIONA holds its fourth annual executives´ convention in Madrid


The Company strengthens its structure with new appointments.

Around 360 ACCIONA executives from eleven countries gathered in Madrid on the 29th and 30th of March for the Company’s 4th Annual Executives’ Convention. There they analysed the current situation, the opportunities available and other considerations with a view to the Company’s future, along the general lines already defined by ACCIONA, internationalization and the concentration of Company activities in three main business areas: Infrastructure, Energy and Water.

The Company strengthens its structure with new appointments.

José Manuel Entrecanales and Jeremy Rifkin Around 360 ACCIONA executives from eleven countries gathered in Madrid on the 29th and 30th of March for the Company’s 4th Annual Executives’ Convention. There they analysed the current situation, the opportunities available and other considerations with a view to the Company’s future, along the general lines already defined by ACCIONA, internationalization and the concentration of Company activities in three main business areas: Infrastructure, Energy and Water.

Each year, the Executives’ Convention provides ACCIONA’s executives with the opportunity to get up to date with the Company’s vision and management challenges and to share the experiences of the Company’s different business areas and countries.

As in previous years, the Convention was addressed by a distinguished guest speaker, an expert capable of adding to the overall vision of the Company’s executive team. On this occasion it was Jeremy Rifkin, who explained his ideas on a Third Industrial Revolution built on a renewables-based energy model, in which buildings and other construction works contribute towards energy generation, with hydrogen-based storage systems and in which the needs of electrical networks are reduced considerably thanks to the capacity for self-sufficiency and distributed production.

The Convention has given new life to the underlying principles of ACCIONA’s corporate project. The Company’s firm bet on innovation, internationalization, and sustainability as a corporate philosophy, a concept pioneered by ACCIONA and which the Company believes is now more important than ever before.

New appointments

ACCIONA’s Chairman and CEO, José Manuel Entrecanales took the occasion to announce a number of new appointments and organizational changes aimed at providing support for an organization that is growing constantly, and not only from a business point of view, but also with regard to management of resources and geographical presence.

In the Company’s financial area, Juan Gallardo has been named General Manager of Control and Finance, reporting to Valentín Montoya, ACCIONA’s Director-General Manager. Under his direction, Félix Rivas has been named Area General Manager of Procurement. Both of these professionals were previously at Endesa where they held the posts of Chief Financial Officer and Assistant General Manager of Procurement, respectively. The above changes mean that the current Area General Manager-Economic and Financial Area, Josu Arlabán, will now report to Juan Gallardo.

Pío Cabanillas, who up until now held the post of General Manager of Communication at Endesa, will be the General Manager of Communication and Corporate Image, a newly created department that takes up the functions of the Corporate Resources Department, headed by Carmen Becerril. The latter Department will continue to include Human Resources, R&D&I, Quality and Environment, Strategy, Information Systems and General Services.

Finally, a new Department of the Chairman’s Office has been created, which will be headed by the previous Director of the Chairman’s Office at Endesa, Macarena Carrión.

As regards business areas, Esteban Morrás has been named Director-General Manager of ACCIONA Energy, a post that he held prior to his previous position as Managing Director of Strategy at Endesa. In order to lend greater support to the the Energy division, which is gaining increasingly in weight within the organization, Joaquín Mollenedo has been named Area General Manager of ACCIONA’s Corporate Resources Area; in addition, he will be responsible for Human Resources, Communication and Marketing, Information Systems and General Services.

Rafael Montes takes over from Roberto Fernández as Corporate Resources Manager of ACCIONA Trasmediterranea, while Fernández will take up the same post at ACCIONA Infrastructure.

Finally, and in line with ACCIONA’s push for internationalization, Robert Park has been named General Manager for Canada. Park, who previously held the post of Manager of Infrastructure in Canada, will now be Country Manager with responsibility for all of ACCIONA’s business areas in the country, in line with the structure that has already been put into place in other countries, such as Australia, Chile, USA, Mexico and Poland, all of which come under the responsibility of ACCIONA’s General Manager-International, Frank Gelardin.

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