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ACCIONA extends the calculation of CO2 emissions throughout its supply chain


ACCIONA is one of the first companies in the world to calculate emissions from all its vendors. 

The company has measured the greenhouse gas emissions from the activities of its 28,000 vendors in its supply chain and has identified the 500 that generate 70% of the CO2 emitted, with a view to taking joint steps to reduce its environmental footprint.

ACCIONA, as part of its commitment to fight climate change, has extended its CO2 emission reduction program to its entire supply chain, through the calculation of emissions from its 28,000 vendors. To do this, it has analyzed the CO2 footprint generated by 100% of its vendors of goods and service,  including the emissions of “vendors of vendors”. By doing this, ACCIONA has become one of the first companies in the world to make this calculation, It applies a methodology proposed by the prestigious professional services firm PWC, based on official “input-output” models from 130 countries included in the ‘Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard’ of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). This initiative has represented a challenge, given the high number and variety of supplies required by a company like ACCIONA, which is present in a wide range of sectors (energy, infrastructure, services…).

This process has led to the detection of total emissions associated with ACCIONA’s vendor chain, and enables an analysis by sector, business unit and country. Furthermore, the 500 vendors who generate 70% of the emissions of the company’s entire value chain have been identified. This means that measures can be taken jointly to reduce their carbon footprint, and also that the environment can be included as a factor in purchasing decisions. 

The information on CO2 emissions from each of the vendors has been calculated using methodology devised by PWC, based on objective parameters such as revenues, country of origin, type of activity, etc., using the ESCHER (Efficient Supply Chain Economic and Environmental Reporting) methodology developed by PWC to calculate these emissions. The results will be individually notified to each of the vendors so that they can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

By doing this, ACCIONA extends its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to its entire value chain. By analyzing the emissions from these companies, ACCIONA goes beyond the objective established in its Sustainability Master Plan 2015, which set this analysis at 1,500 of its vendors with the highest revenues.  

ACCIONA recently won an award from CDP (one of the global communications systems for corporate environmental information with the greatest influence on investors worldwide) for being the utility with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions in the world in relation to its revenues and the one that shows the strongest trend of CO2 emission reductions among companies in its sector. This is illustrated by the fact that the CO2 emitted by the company has reduced by 63% in six years.  Last year, the company avoided the emission of 15 million metric tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, i.e. 24 times the carbon dioxide its activity generated.

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