Sello Reconcilia" hallmark awarded by the Association of Businesswomen and Women Managers of Navarre (AMEDNA) in recognition of its efforts in promoting the reconciliation of work and personal life.

" /> Sello Reconcilia" hallmark awarded by the Association of Businesswomen and Women Managers of Navarre (AMEDNA) in recognition of its efforts in promoting the reconciliation of work and personal life.

" /> Sello Reconcilia" hallmark awarded by the Association of Businesswomen and Women Managers of Navarre (AMEDNA) in recognition of its efforts in promoting the reconciliation of work and personal life.

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ACCIONA Energy receives the "sello Reconcilia"


ACCIONA Energy has been honoured with a "Sello Reconcilia" hallmark awarded by the Association of Businesswomen and Women Managers of Navarre (AMEDNA) in recognition of its efforts in promoting the reconciliation of work and personal life.

ACCIONA Energy has been honoured with a "Sello Reconcilia" hallmark awarded by the Association of Businesswomen and Women Managers of Navarre (AMEDNA) in recognition of its efforts in promoting the reconciliation of work and personal life.

Some of the criteria taken into consideration for this award are the degree of awareness regarding reconciliation and the measures taken (representing the entire entrepreneurial community of Navarre, taking into account size, location, sector, etc.)

The Human Resources team of ACCIONA Energy was at the awards ceremony, held on Tuesday 16 November, along with representatives of the Association of Businesswomen of Navarre, the Confederation of Employers of Navarre and the regional Government of Navarre.

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