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ACCIONA Agua is awarded the contract for the operation and maintenance of the water facilities of Melilla


The contract represents revenues of 3.6 million euros over two years, and will come into effect on September 1st this year.

ACCIONA Agua has won the contract for the conservation, maintenance and operation of the wastewater treatment plant, rainwater and wastewater pumping stations of the city of Melilla, plus the other water treatment stations in the city. The contract will come into effect on September 1st this year and covers two years, extendable for another two. ACCIONA's proposal represents revenues of 3.6 million euros, which could be increased to 7.2 million.

Among the ten or so installations that make up the service is the Wastewater Treatment Plant (EDAR) of the City of Melilla and the Potable Water Treatment Plant (ETAP) at the Las Adelfas reservoir.

An annual flow of 7,890,500 cubic meters will be treated in the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Melilla, of which 3,060,000 m3 will be chlorinated in the swimming season and 119,300 m3 regenerated in tertiary treatment through the use of hollow fiber ultrafiltration, to use the water in the irrigation of public parks and street cleaning.

In the Las Adelfas reservoir Potable Water Treatment Plant standard purification techniques will be combined with inverse osmosis systems, with a view to reducing the salinity of well water. An estimated 430,000 cubic meters per year will be treated in the Potable Water plant and 2,500,000 m3 in the desalination and treatment plants. The Autonomous City of Melilla normally receives its water supplies from its desalination plant, and these installations act as a backup and security factor.

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