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ACCIONA, a company of choice for future engineers


ACCIONA is the number two company of choice (the number one Spanish company) for Spanish engineering students and for the second year in a row, according to the Graduate Barometer 2010 Engineering Edition. The Company has also improved by 2.2 percentage points from last year, closing in on Barometer leader, Google, whose lead has narrowed to just 0.3 percentage points.

ACCIONA is the number two company of choice (the number one Spanish company) for Spanish engineering students and for the second year in a row, according to the Graduate Barometer 2010 Engineering Edition. The Company has also improved by 2.2 percentage points from last year, closing in on Barometer leader, Google, whose lead has narrowed to just 0.3 percentage points.

The undergraduates who took part in the study (approximately 9,000) were asked to choose their three from a list of 120 companies of choice after graduating. The study was carried out jointly by Berlin's Trendence Institute and the Polytechnic University of Madrid between September 1st 2009 and January 11th 2010, and is one of the most important studies on careers and professional followings.

Barely a year after the launch of ACCIONA's Employment Channel, which makes use of social networks to communicate directly with students and professionals, we continue to engage with these stakeholders and meet their needs, and enhancing our employer brand.

To access the study, click here.

2010 Rank Company (top 10) Spain

1 Google 12.7%
2 ACCIONA 12.4%
4 Iberdrola 8.5%
5 Microsoft 7.7%
6 Telefónica 7.4%
7 Repsol 6.5%
8 Apple 6.1%
9 Ferrovial 5.9%
10 Endesa 5.8%
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