Fighting climate change: a strategic priority

    Climate change is a reality that threatens to end life on Earth as we know it. The time has come to act. ACCIONA sees the fight against global warming as a strategic priority. That is why it has adopted these measures to contribute to a more sustainable world.

    Neutralidad en carbono


    • The Company plans to be carbon neutral from 2016 onward. The basis of this neutrality will be its measures to reduce emissions and offset those that cannot be avoided, through Certified Emission Reductions for socially and environmentally responsible projects.
    Energías renovables


    • ACCIONA will invest at least 2.5 billion dollars in renewables by 2020, 80% of which will be consist of new facilities located in developing countries.
    Economía verde


    • 79% of EBITDA and 49% of global sales in 2015 came from activities featured by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Green Economy programme.
    Emisiones de CO2


    • Since ACCIONA began investing in renewables 25 years ago, the Company has avoided the emissions of 125 million tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of the 2014 carbon emissions of Denmark, Norway and Sweden combined.
    • In 2020, ACCIONA will avoid the emission of over 20 million tonnes of CO2, in part due to its 10,500 MW of clean energy. The 2010-2015 SMP concluded with a reduction in CO2 emissions of over 40%.
    Huella hídrica


    • ACCIONA’s has a positive annual water footprint of 500 cubic hectometers. In other words, it generates much more water for use than it consumes through its activities.
    Sustainability Master Plan


    ACCIONA assumes its role in the economic, social and environmental transformation of society. The Company’s sustainability strategy is implemented through its Sustainability Master Plan, a roadmap consisting of all ACCIONA’s initiatives in this field.

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