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    ACCIONA's activity in Australia started in 2002 through the Energy division. Since 2007, the Infrastructures and Water divisions were added to the Energy division. 

    ACCIONA is one of the founding and sponsoring members of theEuropean Australian Business Council and also forms part of the Spanish-Australian Industry and Commerce Chamber.




    Sydney Light Rail

    Sydney Light Rail

    ACCIONA began building Sydney a new light railway in May 2015, with partners Alstom, Transdev and Capella. The €1.7bn contract, awarded by the New South Wales Transport Department, includes the design, construction, financing and operation (PPP) of 12km of railway, 19 stations and surrounding facilities. The project won a 2015 Project Finance International award in the “PPP Deal of the Year” category, and Finance Asia also recognized it as one of the year’s “Best Project Finance Deals”.

    Toowoomba Second Range Crossing

    Toowoomba Second Range Crossing

    ACCIONA won the contract in July 2015 for the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, a motorway bypass around the north of Toowoomba city in Queensland, Australia, alongside two other companies, Ferrovial and Plenary. The contract, worth over €900m, consists of the design, construction, financing and operation of the 42km motorway and 27 structures, including an 850m viaduct. The project won a 2015 Project Finance International award in the “Best Road Deal of the Year” category.

    Legacy Way Tunnel

    Legacy Way Tunnel

    ACCIONA has designed, is constructing and will operate the Legacy Way Highway for 10 years. The project entailed the construction of a 4.6 km-long double tunnel in a world record time by tunneling an average of 49.7 meters per day, surpassing the previously record set of 13.7 meters/day. The project is expected to be completed in 2015.

    Waubra Wind Farm

    Waubra Wind Farm

    Operating since 2009, the Waubra facility in Victoria, at 192 MW, was the biggest wind farm in the southern hemisphere when it was built, a landmark for wind energy development in Australia. It comprises 128, 1.5 MW, ACCIONA Windpower turbines and represents an investment of AUD 450 million. Fully owned by ACCIONA, the complex generates clean energy equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of some 120,000 homes, avoiding the emission of 650,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases a year.

    Gunning Wind Farm

    Gunning Wind Farm

    ACCIONA Energy finished building the 46.5 MW Gunning wind farm in 2011. Fully owned by ACCIONA, it comprises 31 ACCIONA Windpower wind turbine generators and is located in New South Wales. It was inaugurated on 20 July 2012 in the presence of then Prime Minister Julia Gillard. The facility produces the equivalent of electricity consumed by 23,250 Australian homes a year and reduces associated CO2 emissions by 162,750 tonnes.



    Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm

    Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm

    Connected to the grid in 2007, this was ACCIONA Energy’s first wind farm in Australia. Developed in a joint venture with Energy Australia, it comprises 32 turbines totaling 64 MW of capacity. Located on Eyre Peninsula, in South Australia, it produces the equivalent of the electricity consumed annually by around 35,000 households, avoiding the emission of some 150,000 metric tons of CO2.

    Mundaring Water Treatment Plant

    Mundaring Water Treatment Plant

    In February 2011, the ACCIONA-led Helena Water consortium was selected to design, build, finance and operate the Mundaring Water Treatment Plant near Perth in Western Australia, under a 35-year contract. The project will have a capacity of 190 million liters per day (“MLD”) and represents an investment of AUD$300 million. It supplies water to more than 100,000 people in the state of Western Australia. The project began operations in mid-2013. It has received several awards.

    Adelaide Desalination Plant

    Adelaide Desalination Plant

    In 2012, ACCIONA Water finished the construction of the Adelaide Desalination Plant, thereby starting a 20-year contract for the operation and maintenance of this infrastructure. The plant's daily capacity is 300,000 m3 and is one of the largest desalination plants in operation. It guarantees 50% of the water needs in the city of Adelaide. It has received several awards.




    Brett Wickham

    Managing Director Energy


    Level 12, 2 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank VIC 3006 – Australia Postal Address: PO Box 252- South Melbourne VIC 3205

    Fernando Fajardo

    Managing Director Infrastructure

    +61 7 3087 4300
    Level 5, 88 Creek Street Brisbane Queensland 4000 -AUSTRALIA

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