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    Since opening the ACCIONA Infrastructures office in Mexico in 1978, interest within the country has not stopped growing, and it has become one of the company’s main markets. The fact that all of the main divisions of the company are present is proof of this: Infrastructures, Energy, Water, Real Estate and recently Services.


    Atotonilco Wastewater Treatment Plant

    Atotonilco Wastewater Treatment Plant

    The Atotonilco Plant will treat more than half of the wastewater generated by the 18 million residents of the City of Mexico. It will be the largest water treatment plant in the world. It has a nominal average capacity of 35 m3/second, including the removal of solid material and sludge. It has a co-generation system that will use bio-gas produced in the digestion process and will maximize energy efficiency.






    ACCIONA is the operational wind power leader in Mexico with 556.5 MW, made up of the Eurus and Oaxaca 2, 3 and 4 wind farms, all of them located on the Tehuantepec Isthmus. With an investment of 1.15 billion dollars, the facilities contain a total of 371 ACCIONA Windpower turbines of 1.5 MW each and produce sufficient electricity to cover the demand from one million inhabitants.

    ACCIONA has also built a large wind energy complex for clients, a 250 MW facility in Nuevo León (Ventika-Ventika 2) and a 49.5 MW facility (Ingenio) in Oaxaca.

    León Bajío Hospital

    León Bajío Hospital

    The project consists of the concession for the design, construction, equipment, financing and management of the non-care services of a hospital in León, in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico, with a constructed surface of 25,000 m2. The works were finished in 2007, while the concession will finish in 2030.




    Light at Home, Oaxaca

    Light at Home, Oaxaca

    In 2012, the ACCIONA Microenergia foundation brought and adapted its rural electrification programme ‘Luz en Casa’ to the Mexican situation, so as to give a solution to the Oaxaca communities of population less than 100, where the electricity public utility (Comision Federal de Electricidad-CFE) had no plans of electrification. The Mexican non-profit association, which was created by the ACCIONA Microenergia foundation, ACCIONA Microenergia Mexico implements ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’ in partnership with the Government of the State of Oaxaca and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation. In 2016, this programme ends in bringing electricity, with third generation solar home systems, to 7,500 households (30,000 people).

    Baja California II Thermal Power Plant

    Baja California II Thermal Power Plant

    Located near the city of Tijuana, the construction of this thermal power plant was concluded in October 2013. The power plant has a capacity of up to 182 MW.

    Ventika-Ventika II Wind Energy Complex

    Ventika-Ventika II Wind Energy Complex

    This is the biggest wind power complex ACCIONA Energy has built for third parties in the world. With a capacity of 252 MW, it was connected to the grid in 2016. It consists of an EPC contract for a consortium made up of Fisterra Energy, CEMEX and private investors. The facility has 84 ACCIONA Windpower AW116/3000 turbines, each with a nominal capacity of 3 MW, with 116-meter diameter rotors, sitting on concrete towers 120m high.


    Miguel Ángel Alonso Rubio

    Energy: General Manager

    +52 5542116725
    Euro+Ten Building. Juan Salvador Agraz 61 Floor 14 Col. Las Tinajas Delegación Cuajimalpa, 05370 City of Mexico

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