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    Country in which the company has a strong presence in the infrastructures sector since 1997 and with a presence in the Water sector since mid-2013. ACCIONA has a permanent office in Libreville, the capital of the country. There are numerous on-going projects, including two highways and two hydrological power plants. ACCIONA has offices in Libreville.


    Ntoum Water Treatment Plant

    Ntoum Water Treatment Plant

    Design and construction of the largest water treatment plant in the country, for an amount of 50 million euros.

    The project will be carried out in joint collaboration between the divisions of Water and Infrastructures near the city of Ntoum, which already has a water treatment plant. The objective is to strengthen the capacity to supply the country’s capital, Libreville, and its area of influence, in the face of the increased demand for potable water in the area.


    Jose Luis Ortega Soto


    241 01721 335 / 241 01721 336
    Immeuble Le Diamant, 2eme étage Libreville, B.P. 2255 Gabón

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