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Volunteering with ACCIONA


More than 140 corporate volunteers from ACCIONA have generously dedicated their time, knowledge and experience to help carry out development cooperation and tackle poverty initiatives in isolated rural areas in Peru and Mexico.

 A CCIONA Microenergy Foundation offers a unique opportunity to the Company’s employees to get to know at first hand the reality of our world and to take part in development projects for the Foundation in the regions of Cajamarca, Peru, and Oaxaca, Mexico.

Volunteer activities aim to respond to the goodwill of ACCIONA’s employees who want to show their solidarity and familiarize themselves with the serious problem of universal access to electricity and demonstrate how the Foundation’s activities are improving the situation. The effect of the volunteers is highly positive, both in improving the quality of life of people with very small incomes – the goal of the project – and the role of the Company in social initiatives such as these. 


Every year we launch at least one call through internal communications for on-the-spot and remote volunteers among ACCIONA employees.

Over 30 country volunteers have traveled to Cajamarca region in Peru, using part of their holidays, to carry out various tasks according to the project’s needs: distribution of Domestic PhotoVoltaic Solar (DPVS) systems to users; supervision of the commissioning of the systems; implementation of the Operating Management System; support for preventive and corrective maintenance activities, etc.

For their part, more than 100 volunteers took part remotely, ‘virtually’, supporting projects from their work centers, participating in technical, administrative, management, economic, communications and fundraising support. These activities, which do not require any traveling to the country, are a priceless contribution volunteers make in their free time.

The Foundation can also count on volunteers who have retired from work and decided to dedicate part of their time to the projects underway. Their accumulated experience and knowledge is of great value in realizing solidarity projects.

“I could be useful in attending to incidents in the photovoltaic systems that had been installed. I got to know at first hand the conditions the users were living in, enjoyed their friendship, food and above all the smiles of many children despite their difficult environment.” Tito Rúa, ACCIONA Energy, country volunteer, 2011.

“As always, the unwritten law is at work. When we give something to others, we always receive back more than we’ve given. That’s the essence of being a volunteer.” Fernando Justo, ACCIONA Facility Services, country volunteer, 2010.

“I would invite all my ACCIONA colleagues to experience this… I’ve been fortunate enough to take away with me people’s gratitude and their hospitality. They are so thankful, and they give you whatever little they have.” Ana Belén Quintana, ACCIONA Energy, country volunteer, 2014.

“I’d go again if I could be useful. It was a highly enriching experience, particularly the field work and contact with the customers.” Alfonso Pozo, ACCIONA Infrastructure, country volunteer, 2012.

“To take part in such a valuable project to its users was very satisfying. It’s humbling to see at first hand the difference between living by candlelight and owning an 11-watt spotlight.” Ángel Casariego, ACCIONA Infrastructure, country volunteer, 2013.

ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation

ACCIONA Microenergy is the corporate foundation of ACCIONA, S.A. Created in 2008, it concentrates its activities on providing a basic electricity supply, through standalone photovoltaic systems, to isolated rural communities to which electricity networks are unlikely to extend. These activities come under the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All initiative.

The ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation is currently carrying out the following projects:

  • The Light at Home program, Cajamarca, Peru: ACCIONA Microenergy Peru facilitates a basic electricity supply, through Domestic PhotoVoltaic Systems, to 3,900 families in poverty.
  • The Cajamarca Community Light Program Peru: ACCIONA Microenergy Peru supplies, through its Community Photovoltaic Systems, schools, churches, health centers, meeting rooms, etc., in the communities to which it also supplies homes.
  • The Light at Home program, Oaxaca, Mexico: ACCIONA Microenergy Mexico provides basic electricity access through Small Domestic PhotoVoltaic Systems to homes in villages of fewer than 100 inhabitants in Oaxaca State. The aim is to supply electricity to around 9,500 Oaxacan households.

ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the ACCIONA employees who have contributed so generously to the Light at Home program in Cajamarca, Peru. The Light at Home program is demonstrating the feasibility of providing electricity for people in rural areas who are very poor and have no connection to a grid, a service that is proving accessible, as well as economically sustainable for the provider. ACCIONA’s volunteers have participated in a project that has benefited more than 16,000 people. Without these volunteers, it would have been impossible to have reached so many. 

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