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Top-level climate activism


Taking part and adopting a stance at international forums which have the capacity to make decisions and act upon them, is ACCIONA's duty in the fight to tackle climate change. The Company is promoting concrete action programmes as a priority objective.

Taking part and adopting a stance at international forums which have the capacity to make decisions and act upon them, is ACCIONA's duty in the fight to tackle climate change. The Company is promoting concrete action programmes as a priority objective.

Cancun and Davos were must summits for ACCIONA in recent months. At the World Climate Summit, held during COP 16 in Cancun in December, the Company followed the negotiations directly as an accredited observer for the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). Although the 25 agreements reached - known as the Cancun Agreements - lacked details in some respects, they saw the recovery of multilateral dialogue under the United Nations framework and repaired the poor outcome from Copenhagen, revitalizing the process and collaborative way of working in the fight against climate change. Europe's summit commitment to making progress stood out. As did the outcome in relation to the carbon market, both for the continuity of the Clean Development Mechanism after 2012 and agreed reforms to the way it works.

ACCIONA has been the leading player in creating a new business platform, Global Compact LEAD

ACCIONA was at the heart of the World Economic Forum in Davos at the end of January, acting as the leading player in creating a new business platform, Global Compact LEAD, with 53 other companies. All have committed to extending the Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership, which brings together 50 specific actions towards achieving greater sustainability and determining the UN programmes as the framework for them.

European innovation champions

ACCIONA took part in 41 research projects under the EU's 7th Framework Programme between 2007 and 2009. The programme finances R&D activity from European funds. Thirty per cent of the funds set aside have been used, according to the programme's latest annualreport. Four Spanish companies figure among the 50 main participants. ACCIONA is the only one which does not belong to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector.

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