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Magic of a night-time visit to "El Alma de Córdoba"


GPD has designed and produced this magic tour which since  October 2010 can be made in Cordoba's mosque-cathedral, a monument declared a Unesco World Heritage site in 1984.

GPD has designed and produced this magic tour which since October 2010 can be made in Cordoba's mosque-cathedral, a monument declared a Unesco World Heritage site in 1984.


"Man has always sensed the mystery of God, a longing which, in all cultures, has driven the creation of sacred spaces. At the time, the city of Cordoba in Spain erected a temple whose origin is lost in the memory. Symbol of splendour, splendour of the symbols…"

This is how "The Soul ("Alma" in Spanish) of Cordoba" begins, a nighttime guided visit, to be kept on permanently, which GPD has commissioned recently in the Andalusian city. It was offi cially opened by their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Asturias.

The project was conceived as a "turnkey solution", in which GPD offered an end-to-end service including the artistic proposal, technical project, audiovisual production, composition of the sound and, in effect, the articulation of each and every piece that forms the visit. During the tour, visitors relive through light and sound the different historical phases of the building of the monument. To illuminate it, the most modern LED systems have been used, giving a greater capacity of control and reduced consumption. The presentations can be heard through a system from which eight languages can be chosen and the sound contains a careful selection of early medieval songs of Alfonso X the Wise to instrumental Renaissance music passing by Visigoth rites and Andalusian Mudéjar music. All the work has involved improving the monument's technology so that such an installation is less damaging, less visible and more versatile.

What the media said:

ABC Seville

The nocturnal visit dazzled the authorities…nothing is strident, nothing loud, nothing is left to chance in this tour full of good taste, measure, delight…

El Día de Córdoba

A surprising visit… the nocturnal tour of the interior of the mosque-cathedral takes into account the values of the building and offers a different dimension of a monument that marries various cultures.

Diario de Córdoba

El Alma de Córdoba' … is a marvellous tour of this historical legacy.

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