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    Tatanka Wind Farm

    Tatanka wind farm is situated on land bordering the states of North and South Dakota in the US Midwest

    Tatanka is ACCIONA’s biggest wind farm in the US and was its largest worldwide when completed in 2008, as well as being the first in the US to consist entirely of ACCIONA Windpower turbine generators.

    The turbines, which produce a total of 180 MW, sit on steel towers, with a hub height of 80m, and are there to produce clean energy equivalent to the demand from around 60,000 homes. They avoid the emission of 550,000 tonnes of CO2 a year.

    The Tatanka facility has proved to be a benchmark for overcoming adverse weather conditions, given the tough winters states in the interior of the US experience.

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    Moura, Portugal

    This plant produces enough electricity for 30,000 households.

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