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    Miajadas biomass plant

    Spain's first-ever plant designed to use mixed biomass (both herbaceous and woody by-products), which comes as a major logistical and technological challenge.

    Uses 110,000 metric tons a day of agricultural and rural waste and avoids 123,000 metric tons of.CO2 each year.

    Installed capacity of 15 MW, and €50m euros' worth of investment.

    The diversification of raw materials helps to guarantee supply, as well as optimizing costs.

    New Techniques to improve Sustainability in Energy production from Biomass at the Mijadas, Sanguesa, and Briviesca plants. It involves the use of GPS to manage the movement of materials and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to manage supplies, as well as specific protocols and systems for combustion in boiler of the straw without prior drying.

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