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    El Romero Solar photovoltaic plant

    The panels are there to capture this solar radiation and transform it into electricity, clean renewable energy at what is to date the biggest photovoltaic facility in Latin America: El Romero Solar.

    The 776,000 photovoltaic modules that make up the plant cover a surface area of over 1.5 million square meters on a site stretching 280 hectares. Building it has been a challenge in both technological and logistical terms and ACCIONA managed to complete the installation in just 13 months.

    El Romero Solar, commissioned in Autumn 2016, plans to produce 493 GWh of emission-free energy a year, contributing to the fight against climate change by avoiding emission to the atmosphere of almost 475,000 tonnes of CO2.

    This quantity of electricity is equivalent to the consumption of 240,000 Chilean homes. In addition, 80 MW of the capacity of the plant is contracted to supply Google’s facilities in Chile.



    Supplying 100% renewable energy to Google in Chile

    ACCIONA has joined other big corporations to combat climate change together and promote sustainable development. As such, El Romero Solar covers the total electricity needs of Google’s operations in Chile with 100% renewable energy, thanks to a long-term contract through which the photovoltaic plant is contributing to lessen the carbon footprint of the tech company.

    The agreement, which lasts till 2030, with the option of a five-year extension, governs supply to Google’s offices and data center in the country, one of 13 the tech giant has spread across the world to manage all the information its products move around the Internet.


    Vallenar commune, Atacama region, Chile.
    Peak power
    246 MWp.
    Nominal capacity
    196 MW.
    Solar photovoltaic with static structures.
    Operating since
    November 2016.
    Owned by
    ACCIONA Energy.


    • Biggest plant in Latin America
      The facility is to date the biggest PV plant operating in Latin America, since it began operating at 246 MW peak power (196 MW nominal).
    • United against climate change with Google
      It supplies 80 MW a year of renewable energy to Google in Chile, thus avoiding the emission of 475,000 tonnes of CO2.
    • Powering sustainable development
      The 246 MWp of power produced by El Romero Solar is equivalent to electricity consumed by 240,000 Chilean homes.

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