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ACCIONA is committed to increase accessibility to disabled people, including those people with physical or cognitive disabilities, and irrespective of the technological devices used to access information. In line with this commitment, the company has been following the Accessibility Guidelines defined by the permanent work group, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), at AA level. Level A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

In addition, the web has obtained AENOR CIT (Communication and Information Technologies) certification UNE 139803:2004 for "IT applications for disabled persons. Accessibility requirements for web content", to "AA" standards. This certifies that ACCIONA's website meets international standards regarding availability of access for all 'net users regardless of the device used or the user's own physical limitations. AENOR Logo - Certificate product

The ACCIONA web site has been designed using XHTML (eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language) and style sheets which comply, wherever possible, with the XHTML 1.0 and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) validations of the W3C.

The principle measures adopted for guaranteeing accessibility include the following:

Section Shortcuts
Home key 0
Version in Spanish key 1
Contact key 2
About us key 3
Business divisions key 4
Shareholders & investors key 5
Corporate responsibility key 6
Press key 7
Human Resources key 8
Accessibility Policy key 9
Legal advice key 10
Web Map key 11

Comments concerning Web Accessibility

To prepare the titles on the pages, the sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) technique has been used, which permits the use of special typography through a combination of Flash and JavaScript technologies. Where these technologies are not available, the titles remain the same. Nevertheless, if while browsing the user decides to increase the size of the text, in order to make this increase effective on the titles, the page must be reloaded into the browser.

Due to its content or the necessary technology, some PDF documents have certain accessibility problems. These documents can be seen using the free application: Adobe Reader.

ACCIONA cannot take responsibility for information supplied by Infobolsa.

Please send any comments, problems and/or suggestions about the Web Accessibility of the site to the e-mail: accesibilidad@acciona.es

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