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Rafael Mateo



  • Industrial Engineer, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Zaragoza, 1982.
  • Awarded Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera (a prize for Overall Outstanding Achievement).
  • General Management Program, IESE, 1987.
  • Senior Management Program, INSEAD, 1995.

Professional experience - ACCIONA

  • Since April 2013 CEO, ACCIONA Energy.
  • 2010-2013 Senior Executive Director, ACCIONA Energy.

Professional experience prior to ACCIONA

  • 1982-2009 ENDESA
    • CEO Endesa Chile, and Managing Director, Generation, at Endesa Latin America (2005-2009).
    • Production and Transmission Managing Director, Endesa Chile (1999-2004).
    • Thermal Production Director, Endesa Generation (1997-1998).
    • Director, Assistant Director, Operations Manager, Maintenance Manager, Endesa Power Station, Teruel (1050 MW).

Other activities

  • Former Chairman of the Production Thermal Group, UNIPEDE, Brussels.
  • Former Chairman of the following boards of directors: Endesa Costanera (Argentina), Hidroeléctrica Chocón (Argentina), EdeGel (Peru) and GasAtacama (Chile).
  • Former Member of the Board of Directors of: Endesa Brasil, Central Dock Sud (Argentina), HidroAysén S.A. (Chile) and GNL Quintero S.A. (Chile).

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